Conducted jointly by Deloitte and E&B Data, this study distinguishes itself by focusing primarily on companies operating on the supply side of products, software and services related to advanced manufacturing in Quebec, as well as on issues related to the demand side of manufacturing companies.
The study carried out covers all companies on the supply side. It distinguishes the realities specific to each one according to their size and type of activity (manufacturing, software, services).
The Federal Ministry of Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISDE), Canada Economic Development (CED) for the Regions of Quebec, the Ministry of Economy and Innovation (MEI), the Centre de recherche industrielle du Québec (CRIQ), the Mouvement Desjardins and the REAI supported this study.
Throughout the study, we note that in addition to a 15% annual growth rate per year for the past three years, exports of products and services from these suppliers have increased very rapidly between 2016 and 2018, as evidenced by the evolution of Canadian exports of industrial robots.
Bon, et mauvais signe à la fois. Car si les exportations augmentent, l’implantation de ces technologies reste timide au Quebec. Une situation que déplore Louis H. Duhamel, conseiller stratégique chez Deloitte aux colonnes du journal québécois ; Les Affaires, lui, qui sensibilise depuis des années l’industrie manufacturière québécoise à propos de l’importance de faire cette transition afin que l’économie québécoise demeure compétitive.
Good and bad at the same time. While exports are increasing, the implementation of these technologies remains timid in Quebec. This situation is deplored by Louis H. Duhamel, strategic advisor at Deloitte in the columns of the Quebec newspaper Les Affaires, who for years has been sensitizing the Quebec manufacturing industry about the importance of making this transition in order for the Quebec economy to remain competitive.
Une industrie innovante, à forte intensité en R-D, qui laisse place à beaucoup d’acteurs qui peuvent collaborer ensemble pour accélérer la numérisation des entreprises industrielles, au Quebec et au Canada.